Home kefir hair mask

Kefir hair mask is a universal way.
give the curls a beautiful shine, eliminate greasiness and
pollution, affect their density and volume. Are known
dozens of old-time recipes for home remedies that include


  • The use of kefir masks
  • Best Mask Recipes
  • Kefir for hair growth
  • Mask for dry hair

The use of kefir masks

Kefir hair mask is a proven home remedy,
which is easy enough to do on your own. For achievement
necessary effect it is important to follow several recommendations:

  1. This mask must be used before washing hair, when
    In this they should not be heavily contaminated.
  2. Before preparing a homemade healing composition kefir need
    warm up and then wait for it to cool completely.
  3. During the use of such a home remedy head
    definitely need to keep warm. For this you need to use
    special hat, thick towel or regular polyethylene
  4. If the hair is oily, kefir needs to get reduced
    fat content, and if dry – increased.

It must be remembered that by all means, the main component
which is kefir, can affect the color of the curls if
use their course more than 5 times. Kefir mask for lightening
hair will bring results only on unpainted curls.

Best Mask Recipes

  1. Kefir mixed with egg and cocoa is one of the most famous.
    hair masks at home. With its help, you can easily
    strengthen curls and improve their appearance. For the manufacture of such
    masks need 1 tbsp. l cocoa. Add 1 yolk and 1/3 cup to it.
    kefir. The prepared mixture should resemble thick semolina.
    It is applied to the entire length of the curls and carefully rubbed into the scalp
    and hair roots. Keep the mixture for 30 minutes. Curls needed
    After applying this product, rinse thoroughly with warm water:
    when using hot egg curled and cleaned his hair
    It will be very difficult.
  2. With buckwheat. Nutrients Freshly Cereals
    perfectly complement the beneficial properties of kefir. Handful of finished
    buckwheat mixed with 3 tbsp. l kefir. Keep the composition on the curls
    preferably about 1.5 hours so that the nutritional composition is better
    acted. The effect of this procedure will please: hair
    become tender, strong, beautiful.
  3. With nettle. This is a very effective and affordable tool for
    shag that will appeal to all girls. It should be poured 1
    a glass of boiling water 2 tbsp. l nettle leaves, close the pan tightly
    cover and infuse for 1 hour. When the liquid has cooled,
    She needs to add 1 cup of kefir. Composition prepared by
    This recipe is applied for 1 hour. If you use nettles
    regularly, curls become stronger and stronger, disappears
    dandruff. The best effect can be obtained in the spring, when
    the plant is in a state of active growth and in it
    concentrated most healing substances. Winter dry
    Nettle leaves can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  4. Mask for hair with yeast and kefir for 4-5 applications attached
    any curls noticeable volume. She is preparing elementary. By 0.5
    glasses of yogurt need 1 tsp. ordinary dry yeast and the same
    sugar sand. The resulting composition put on a steam bath and hold
    on low heat to obtain abundant foam. After this mixture
    cool. Keep it to 45 minutes, during which time the yeast
    maximize their healing properties. Yeast washes off
    Composition only warm running water.
  5. With honey. This mask is used most often to give
    Curls of natural shine and recovery. With such a means
    recipe for hair is very simple: to 0.5 cups of yogurt need
    add 1 tbsp. l honey This mask is good because it fits
    girls with any type of hair. The only exception is an allergy to
    honey. Allergy sufferers such a remedy is contraindicated, the scalp and
    hair follicles can be badly affected. If you add to the
    1 tbsp. l castor or burdock oil, the hair will delight
    great health, soaring and amazing
    natural shine. Such mixtures should be kept at about 30.

Kefir for hair growth

To accelerate the growth of curls kefir will help if you use it
with light refined oils. For example, you can mix half
glasses of kefir with 1 tbsp. l grape or olive oil and 1
egg yolk. Apply liquid to the scalp and hair throughout
length. Keep the solution for 1.5 hours. Masked combination
kefir and oils, including essential, gives a noticeable effect. If such
home remedies apply regularly, they will help grow
long, healthy curls and prevent alopecia.

Mask for dry hair

Dry hair is more vulnerable than others; it reacts poorly to purchases.
facilities. They become unattractive in a matter of days if
they do not feed high-quality, fresh masks. To cook for
them kefir feed, you need to add 0.5 cups of kefir 1 tsp.
vaseline or peach oil. All components carefully
mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the hair and skin
heads. After 1 hour, wash it off with warm water and shampoo. Such
home remedy will help even the driest curls to feed
beneficial substances and get rid of brittleness.

Kefir home remedies are very effective, inexpensive and

They quickly restore the scalp and hair follicles,
therefore, it is excellent for any hair type.

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